Artist's Update
A few months ago I bought forty acres with a cabin on it in southern Humboldt County. I'd fallen in love with the view and didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the cabin which, on closer inspection, turned out to be not really fixable. It does make a great studio though (at least while the weather is warm), and I'm living in a travel trailer for the time being. Solar panels have helped and I'll be posting some pictures as soon as I have a better internet connection. In the meantime here is my show schedule for this fall and winter. Tess 707-533-7381
2024 Show Schedule
Aug. 3-4 Art in the Gardens Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens
Aug. 16-18 Art in the Redwoods Gualala Art Center Aug.31-Sept.2 Kings Mountain Art Fair Kings Mountain Community Center
Sept. 14-15 Mill Valley Fall Art Fair Old Mill Park, Mill Valley
Nov. 1-3 Marin Arts & Crafts Fair Marin Center Exhibit Hall Nov. 30-Dec.1 Craneway Craft Fair Henry J. Kaiser Center, Oakland
Dec. 6-8 Holiday Crafts Fair Dance Palace, Pt. Reyes Station Dec. 13-15 Holiday Crafts Fair Willits Center for the Arts
Feb. 21-23, 2025 Marin Arts & Crafts Fair Marin Center Exhibit Hall