I have always loved drawing and exploring nature. My earliest subject matter was my dog and the flowers in my backyard. The beauty of the physical world in all its diversity inspires me, whether it is the texture of a feather, the richness and harmony of the color of a flower petal or the rhythm of a waving branch in the wind. My goal is to blend realism, imagination, emotion, and design to communicate a personal vision that touches the universal.
I was born in New Jersey and attended Montclair State College where I majored in fine art. After school, I worked in a variety of mediums including acrylics, oils, glass mosaics, copper relief and pen and ink. When I lived in San Francisco, I earned my BFA in Illustration.
A wildlife painting class introduced me to the work of Robert Bateman. For the last 30 + years I have been inspired to create oil paintings that celebrate the nature of Northern California and other natural environments. I now live in the small town of Cazadero, which is part of the Russian River area and take my inspiration from the majestic coast redwoods. It is here that I find my daily life made more human through interaction with the plants and creatures of this place. And here that I derive the most joy from the art that comes from this connection.