January, Clean up days, closed for the month
February 1-28, Reception Friday, Feb. 7, 3 to 7 PM Carol Golden, painter and Neno Villamor, cast handmade paper sculptures
March 1-30, Reception Sat. March 1, 3 to 7 pm, Bruce Jones, paintings, sculptures- Cynthia Myers, glass artist.
April 4-27, Reception TBA, and will be coordinated with Almost Fringe Festival
May 2-30, Reception Saturday May 3,
3 to 7 PM, Elizabeth Gladstone, painting, Ryder Holmes Wilson, concrete furniture
June 6-29, Reception, Saturday, June 7, 3 to 7 pm, Sharon Nickodem, photography, collage, Donnalynn Chase, collage
July 4-27, IndependenceDay parade in Point Arena, Reception Sat.July 5 during parade, Tentative artists, Mike Connor, painting, and John Allen Cann, poet and wife Robin Cann, poet
August 2-24, Reception Saturday, August 2, 3 to 7 pm, Rozann and Rachel Grunig, Photo and Fabric Sculpture
September 5-28, Reception Saturday, Sept 6, 3 to 7 pm, Perry Hoffman, ceramics, Doug Smith, ceramics
October 3-28, Reception Friday, Oct 5, 3 to 7 pm Scott Sewell, photography, Bonnie Belt, ceramic sculpture.
November 1-26, Reception Friday, Nov. 7, 3 to 7 pm, Arlene Guerrero, mandalas, Judy Pfeiffer, paintings
December 5-28, Hometown Holidays, openingTBA